October 25, 1862

His Excellency
Jefferson Davis
President Confederate States

The undersigned officers of the several Regiments comprising Featherston's Brigade of R. H. Anderson's Division would respectfully ask if not in your judgment inconsistent with the public defense & efficiency of the same, that the Brigade be transferred for winter operations to the State of Mississippi. The following considerations make it desirable that such a transfer should be made. In case of serious illness on the part of any of the officers or men of the command requiring absence from camp & rest to restore health such person would be in ready reach of home or friends and in whose hands he would receive the needful attention; especially would this be a consideration in case of battles resulting in the wounding of many men & officers.

As far as your petitioners are at present able to judge an effort will be made by the enemy to possess himself of a very great portion of our home state of Mississippi this coming winter to prevent the accomplishment of which it will perhaps be necessary to increase the effective strength of our forces in such State. The probability of a period of inactivity during the coming winter in Virginia would make it seem reasonable that such increase might be made there by sending a force from the Army of Northern Virginia. In harmony with the desire of your petitioners herein expressed serves the public interest also in this respect. As is known to your Excellency the Regiments of this Brigade have been greatly reduced by losses in the many battles in which they have participated. The probability of filling of the ranks of these Regiments so long as we remain here seems very remote, whilst once in Mississippi the prestige & character which this Brigade may claim without vain glory would cause the ranks to be rapidly filled even by those persons not subject to conscription.

The privations and endurance of the men of this command growing out of every march & battle made & fought by the army are pleaded by your petitioners as a cause to the granting of this request. Those toils & privations they are ready with resolute purpose to renew through their preference is to do so on the soil of Mississippi.

Hoping that the desire of your Petitioners herein expressed may be found to consist rather than to obstruct the public service we remain

Most Respectfully,
W. S. Featherston
Brig Gen'l Commanding

Signed by 76 officers of the Brigade.
General W. S. Featherston and the officers of his Brigade asked to have the Brigade detached from Anderson's Division and ordered to Mississippi for the Winter. Reasons for the request. General Lee please examine & communicate views.

Jefferson Davis
November 3, 1862

This Brigade has done excellent service & has earned a well deserved reputation in every battle. The advantages presented by a transfer of service to Mississippi viz: the facility of recruiting its thinned ranks & the comforts that it would secure to the men are apparent. But the same reasons would withdraw every regiment from the Army except those from Virginia to their own state & divide us up into thirteen detachments. The very thing our enemy desires. I do not anticipate an idle winter for the Army of Northern Virginia & think it will require every support. I cannot therefore recommend the transfer of so gallant a brigade as the Mississippi brigade.

R. E. Lee, General
November 4, 1862

Answer to Col Posey stating substance of General Lee's endorsement and expressing sympathy with the feeling expressed in connection with defense of Mississippi, but reminding that it may be best effected by attacking & defeating the enemy's best army wherever found.

Jefferson Davis


Edmund K. Smith
Jul 12, 1861 Jul 22, 1861 9th, 10th, 11th Alabama, 38th Virginia, Thomas' Battery

John H. Forney
Jul 22, 1861 Dec 20, 1861 9th, 10th, 11th Alabama, 38th Virginia, Thomas' Battery

Cadmus M. Wilcox
Dec 21, 1861 Jun 18, 1862 9th, 10th, 11th Alabama, 38th Virginia, Anderson's Battery

Winfield S. Featherston
Jun 18, 1862 Jan 15, 1863 12th, 16th, 19th Miss, 2nd Miss Battalion (48th Miss),3rd Richmond Howitzers

Carnot Posey
Jan 18, 1863 Oct 15, 1863 12th, 16th, 19th, 48th Miss, 3rd Richmond Howitzers

Nathaniel H. Harris
Oct 14, 1863 Apr 9, 1865 12th, 16th, 19th, 48th Miss, 3rd Richmond Howitzers


General Featherston:
Barksdale, W.R., V.A.D.C., June 1862; Captain, A.A.G., July 1862 to March 1863.
Craft, M.S., Surgeon, 1862 to 1865.
Cummings, Edmund H., Major, A.A.D.C., March 1863.
Featherston, C.N., Captain, V.A.D.C., October to December 1862.
Fiser, John C., Lieutenant, A.A.G., 1862.
Foote, George P., Captain, A.A.G., May 1 to June 1862; killed Beaver Dam, 1862.
Graves, C.W., __________, V.A.D.C., December 1862.
Haley, A.G. (cavalry), __________, V.A.D.C., April 1862.
Parker, Augustus N., Lieutenant, A.D.C., July 16, 1862; Captain, 1862-1865.
Partridge, Isaac M., Captain, Commissary, 1862.
Peel, Robert H., Surgeon, 1862 to 1865.
Reading, Thomas R., Lieutenant, A.D.C., June 1862.
Scruggs, L.S., Captain, A.Q.M., July 14, 1862.
Sykes, William G., Lieutenant, V.A.D.C., June 1862.

General Posey:
Hancock, Asberry, __________, A.A.D.C., May 1863.
Posey, Jefferson B., Lieutenant, A.D.C., January 19, 1863 to May 1863.
Posey, Stanhope, Captain, A.A.G., May 1863.

General Harris:
Connell, W.C., Captain, A.C.S., February 1863 to July 5, 1864.
Craft, M.S., Major, Chief Surgeon, April 1862.
Harris, William H., Lieutenant, A.D.C., January to July 5, 1864.
Hays, James, Captain, A.A.I.G., November 1863 to November 1864.
Hearsey, H.J., Major, Q.M., November 1862; Major, Q.M., July 5, 1864.
Nelson, W.C., Lieutenant, O.O., May 1863; A.D.C., July 5, 1864.
Owens, Andrew T., Captain, A.Q.M., September 1863.
Partridge, Isaac M., Major, C.S., May 1862 to July 5, 1864.
Posey, Stanhope, Captain, A.A.G., January 1863; July 5, 1864.
Stone, William R., Captain, A.A.A.G., November 1864.

A.A.A.G. - ; A.A.D.C. - Assistant Aide de Camp; A.A.G. - Assistant Adjuntant General; A.A.I.G. - Assistant Adjuntant and Inspector General; A.C.S. - Assistant Chief of Staff; A.D.C. - Aide de Camp; A.Q.M. - Assistant Quartermaster; C.S. - Chief of Staff; O.O. - Ordance Officer; Q.M. - Quartermaster; V.A.D.C. - Vice Aide de Camp.


Head Quarters Featherston's Brigade
Fredericksburg, Va.
Jan 19th 1863
General Orders
No 8

The Brig General Commanding with unaffected sorrow takes leave of the troops of his command.

The strength of the Comd'g General's attachment to the troops of this brigade, and his confidence in their courage and good conduct have led him to ask more than once, if consistent with the good of the Service, that he should be transferred with them to Mississippi. These applications have been refused by those whose interest in the public defense is unsurpassed, and whose knowledge of that public defense is superior to that of your Comd'g Gen.

And opportunity was yesterday offered the Brig Gen Comd'g of choosing between continuance of his connection with this command here or the assumption of a new one in Mississippi.

This decision was made not without difficulty but considering all his obligations, both public and private, and with a conscientious regard to his ability to serve the cause of his country, the decision was made and sunders the strongest association of his life in separating from the brigade. The uncomplaining patience with which you have endured the severest hardships, the willing obedience you have yielded to authority, and the dauntless daring in the discharge of duty, have excited in your Comd'g Gen, the proudest admiration of your soldierly qualities, and the highest confidence in your effective valor. The patient fortitude and resolute courage with which you have battled in this contest, show that keen appreciation of the principles involved, which is the surest guarantee of the continuance of those heroic virtues, until you have wrung from an inhuman foe, an acknowledgement of your independence and all your other rights.

To Brig Gen Carnot Posey who so worthily succeeds him in your command the Brig Gen Comd'g asks a continuance of that cheerful obedience and good order that have characterized and honored your conduct under him.

Veterans! baptized in the blood and fire of numerous battlefields, your Comd'g Gen praying that God Almighty may shield and cover the head of each one of you in the day of subsequent battle, bids you an affectionate farewell.

By Command of
Brig Gen Featherston
W.R. Barksdale

Head Quarters Posey's Brigade
January 20th 1863
General Orders
No 1

The General Commanding desires to express the gratification he feels upon being assigned to the command of troops who have so signally distinguished themselves not only in the field, but who have endured the fatigues of the march and the tedium and privations of the camp with so much forbearance and moreover who have elicited the highest commendation of the Commanding General of the Army.

He feels no embarrassment in assuming the command of the brave and gallant men who have so greatly distinguished themselves, under their late brave and esteemed commander. Knowing that you are inspired by the noble feelings of patriotism, he feels satisfied you are willing to encounter many more privations and engage in many more bloody conflicts to secure your national independence and to defend the altars of your country.

By Command of
Brig Gen Posey
J. H. Duncan


O.R., vol. 11, pt. 2, pp. 485-486)

Longstreet's Division -- Maj Gen James Longstreet
6th Brigade -- Brig Gen Winfield S. Featherston
12th Miss -- Major William H. Lilly (Died Feb 17, 1863 in train accident)
16th Miss --
19th Miss -- Maj John B. Mullins (Severely wounded Jun 27, 1862)
2 Miss Bn -- Lt Col John G. Taylor (Killed Jun 30, 1862)

July 23, 1862 (O.R., vol. 11, pt. 3, pp. 648-649)

Longstreet's Command -- Maj Gen James Longstreet
6th Brigade -- Brig Gen Winfield S. Featherston
12th Miss -- Colonel William H. Taylor
16th Miss -- Colonel Carnot Posey
19th Miss -- Col Lucius Q.C. Lamar (Resigned Nov 4, 1862)
2 Miss Bn -- Major William S. Wilson (Mortally wounded/POW Sep 17, 1862)

September 1, 1862 (O.R., vol. 19, pt. 1, pp. 802-804)

Anderson's Division -- Maj Gen Richard H. Anderson
Featherston's Brigade -- Col Carnot Posey
12th Miss --
16th Miss -- Capt Abram M. Feltus (Promoted Lt Col Dec 20, 1862)
19th Miss --
2 Miss Bn --

December 20, 1862 (O.R., vol. 21, p. 1070)

1st Corps -- Lt Gen James Longstreet
Anderson's Division --
Featherston's Brigade -- Brig Gen Winfield S. Featherston (Transferred to Miss Jan 19, 1863)
12th Miss -- Col William H. Taylor
16th Miss -- Col Carnot Posey (Promoted Brig Gen, Jan 1863)
19th Miss -- Maj John B. Mullins (wounded; not with unit)
2 Miss Bn -- Lt Col Thomas B. Manlove

May 1-4, 1863 (O.R., vol. 25, pt. 1, pp. 788-790)

1st Corps -- Lt Gen James Longstreet
Anderson's Division -- Maj Gen Richard H. Anderson
Posey's Brigade -- Brig Gen Carnot Posey
12th Miss -- Lt Col Merry B. Harris (Mortally wounded, Jun 24, 1864)
Major Samuel B. Thomas (POW, Aug 21, 1864)
16th Miss -- Col Samuel E. Baker
19th Miss -- Col Nathaniel H. Harris
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M. Jayne

July 1-3, 1863 (O.R., vol 27, pt. 2, pp. 283-288)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill
Anderson's Division -- Maj Gen Richard H. Anderson
Posey's Brigade -- Brig Gen Carnot Posey
12th Miss -- Col William H. Taylor
16th Miss -- Col Samuel E. Baker
19th Miss -- Col Nathaniel H. Harris
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M Jayne

July 31, 1863 (O.R., vol. 27, pt. 3, pp. 1058-1061)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill
Anderson's Division -- Maj Gen Richard H. Anderson
Posey's Brigade -- Brig Gen Carnot Posey
12th Miss -- Col William H. Taylor
16th Miss -- Col Samuel E. Baker
19th Miss -- Col Nathaniel H. Harris
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M. Jayne

August 31, 1863 (O.R., vol. 29, pt. 2, pp. 682-685)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill
Anderson's Division -- Maj Gen Richard H. Anderson
Posey's Brigade -- Brig Gen Carnot Posey
12th Miss -- Col William H. Taylor
16th Miss -- Col Samuel E. Baker
19th Miss -- Col Nathaniel H. Harris
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M. Jayne

September 30, 1863 (O.R., vol. 29, pt. 1, pp. 398-400)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill
Anderson's Division -- Maj Gen Richard H. Anderson
Posey's Brigade -- Brig Gen Carnot Posey
12th Miss -- Col William H. Taylor
16th Miss -- Col Samuel E. Baker
19th Miss -- Col Nathaniel H. Harris
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M Jayne

October 31, 1863 (O.R., vol. 29, pt. 1, pp. 817-819)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill
Anderson's Division -- Maj Gen Richard H. Anderson
Posey's Brigade -- Brig Gen Carnot Posey (Mortally wounded, Oct 14, 1863)
12th Miss -- Col William H. Taylor
16th Miss -- Col Samuel E. Baker
19th Miss -- Col Nathaniel H. Harris
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M. Jayne

December 31, 1863 (O.R., vol 29, pt. 2, pp. 899-900)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill
Anderson's Division -- Maj Gen Richard H. Anderson
Posey's Brigade -- Col Nathaniel H. Harris
12th Miss -- Col William H. Taylor (Dropped from rolls, Mar 19, 1864)
16th Miss -- Col Samuel E. Baker
19th Miss -- Col Nathaniel H. Harris
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M. Jayne

May 1864 (O.R., vol. 36, pt. 1, pp. 1021-1025)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill
Anderson's Division -- Maj Gen Richard H. Anderson (Promoted, May 31, 1864)
Harris' Brigade -- Brig Gen Nathaniel H. Harris
12th Miss --
16th Miss -- Col Samuel E. Baker (Killed May 12, 1864)
19th Miss -- Col Thomas J. Hardin (Killed May 12, 1864)
48th Miss --

August 31, 1864 (O.R., vol. 42, pt. 2, pp. 1214-1217)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill
Mahone's Division
Harris' Brigade -- Col Joseph M Jayne
12th Miss -- Capt Sampson Bolter
16th Miss -- Capt John S. Lewis
19th Miss -- Col Richard W. Phipps
48th Miss -- Lt Col Thomas B. Manlove

September 29, 1864 (O.R., vol. 42, pt. 2, p. 1306)

Anderson's Division -- Maj Gen William Mahone
Harris' Brigade -- Brig Gen Nathaniel H. Harris
12th Miss -- Lt Col Thomas B. Manlove
16th Miss -- Capt John S. Lewis
19th Miss -- Col Richard W. Phipps
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M. Jayne

October 31, 1864 (O.R., vol. 42, pt. 3, pp. 1187-1190)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill
Mahone's Division -- Maj Gen William Mahone
Harris' Brigade -- Brig Gen Nathaniel H. Harris
12th Miss -- Lt Col Thomas B. Manlove
16th Miss -- Lt Henry S. Arnold (Surrendered, Jackson, MS, May 22, 1865)
19th Miss -- Col Richard W. Phipps
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M Jayne

November 30, 1864 (O.R., vol. 42, pt. 3, pp. 1237-1239)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill
Mahone's Division -- Maj Gen William Mahone
Harris' Brigade -- Brig Gen Nathaniel H. Harris
12th Miss -- Lt Col Thomas B. Manlove (Wounded/POW Jan 7, 1865)
16th Miss -- Lt Col James H. Duncan
19th Miss -- Col Richard W. Phipps
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M. Jayne

December 31, 1864 (O.R., vol. 42, pt. 3, pp. 1363-1367)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill
Mahone's Division -- Maj Gen William Mahone
Harris' Brigade -- Brig Gen Nathaniel H. Harris
12th Miss -- Capt R.R. Applewhite
16th Miss -- Lt Col James H. Duncan
19th Miss -- Col Richard W. Phipps
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M. Jayne

January 31, 1865 (O.R., vol. 46, pt. 2, pp. 1170-1174)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill (Killed, Apr 2, 1865)
Mahone's Division -- Maj Gen William Mahone
Harris' Brigade -- Brig Gen Nathaniel H. Harris
12th Miss -- Col Merry B. Harris (Mortally wounded/POW Jun 24, 1864)
16th Miss -- Col Edward C. Councell (Mortally Wounded/POW Aug 21, 1864)
19th Miss -- Col Richard W. Phipps
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M. Jayne

February 28, 1865 (O.R., vol. 46, pt. 2, pp. 1268-1272)

3rd Corps --
Mahone' Division -- Maj Gen William Mahone
Harris' Brigade -- Brig Gen Nathaniel H. Harris
12th Miss -- Captain R.R. Applewhite (POW at Fort Gregg Apr 2, 1865)
16th Miss -- Lt Col James H. Duncan
19th Miss -- Col Richard W. Phipps
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M. Jayne

April 10, 1865 (O.R., vol. 46, pt. 1, pp. 1267-1273)

3rd Corps -- Lt Gen Ambrose P. Hill (Killed Apr 2, 1865)
Mahone's Division -- Maj Gen William Mahone (Surrendered Appomattox)
Harris' Brigade -- Brig Gen Nathaniel H. Harris (Surrendered Appomattox)
12th Miss -- Capt A. K. Jones (Wounded/POW Fort Gregg Apr 2, 1865)
16th Miss -- Lt Col James H. Duncan (Wounded/POW at Fort Gregg Apr 21865)
19th Miss -- Col Richard W. Phipps (Surrendered Appomattox)
48th Miss -- Col Joseph M. Jayne (POW at Sayler's Creek, Apr 6, 1865)


Christopher H. Mott - Killed Williamsburg, May 5, 1862
Lucius Q.C Lamar - Resigned for ill health, November 24, 1862
John B. Mullins - Wounded; rank nullified; resigned
Nathaniel H. Harris - Promoted brigadier general, January 20, 1864
Thomas J. Hardin - Killed Spotsylvania, May 12, 1864
Richard W. Phipps - Surrendered Appomattox

Lieutenant Colonels:
Lucius Q.C. Lamar - Promoted colonel, May 5, 1862
John B. Mullins - Promoted colonel, November 24, 1862
Nathaniel H. Harris - Promoted colonel, April 2, 1863
Ward G. Vaughn - Resigned July 17, 1863
Thomas J. Hardin - Promoted colonel, January 20, 1864
Richard W. Phipps - Promoted colonel, May 12, 1864
James H. Duncan - Wounded and captured Fort Gregg, April 2, 1865

Abner Smead - Transferred to 12th Georgia, Jun 15, 1861
John B. Mullins - Promoted lieutenant colonel, May 5, 1862
Benjamin Allston - Transferred to cavalry, Fall 1861
Nathaniel H. Harris - Promoted lieutenant colonel, November 24, 1962
Ward G. Vaughn - Promoted lieutenant colonel, April 2, 1863
Thomas J. Hardin - Promoted lieutenant colonel, July 17, 1863
Thomas R. Reading - Resigned, October 8, 1863
Richard W. Phipps - Promoted lieutenant colonel, January 20, 1864
James H. Duncan - Promoted lieutenant colonel
Robert A. Dean - Captured, Byhalia, Miss, May 4, 1865

Andrew R. Govan - Promoted captain Company B, 17th Miss; mortally wounded Chickamauga, August-September 1863
Albert L. Peel - Killed Spotsylvania, May 12, 1864
John H. McKie - Served to close of the war
Robert H. Allen - Appointed June 22, 1862

Jacob J. Cox - Surrendered Appomattox

Quartermasters (AQM):
J. Macon Thompson - Resigned
James H. Anderson - Resigned
William H. Bounds - Resigned
L. S. Scruggs
H. F. Owens

Assistant Quartermaster (AAQM):
J. Q. Perry

Commissaries (ACS):
Selion(?) B. Malone - Mortally wounded 2nd Manassas, August 1862
Andy T. Owen - Promoted assistant brigade quartermaster, Surrendered Appomattox
J. G. Ragland

J.W.C. Smith - Transferred
W. F. Hyer - Transferred
Robert H. Peel - Transferred
Andy J. Sykes
John W. Sharpe - Served to close of the war

Assistant Surgeons:
W. F. Hyer - Promoted to surgeon
Henry A. Minor
John W. Sharpe - Promoted to surgeon
W. H. Minor
P. M. Burden
C. T. Philson

Thomas L. Duke - Resigned, Sep 8, 1863; Commissioned Miss Cavalry
George W. Carten
Hugh M. Morrison

Sergeant Majors:
Oscar Barbour - Transferred
Albert L. Peel - Promoted adjutant
Williams Meadows
John E. Burrage - Surrendered Appomattox

Company A, President Davis Guards, Noxubee County (Muster, June 4, 1861)

Jacob M. Macon - Mortally wounded Williamsburg, May 5, 1862
Charles M. Thomas - Wounded and retired, August 8, 1863
J. Q. Perry - Wounded and retired, February 23, 1863
Charles W. Burrage - Mortally wounded Wilderness, May 6, 1864
J. M. Sudbery

First Lieutenants:
Charles M. Thomas - Promoted captain
J. Q. Perry - Promoted captain
M. M. Lindsey - Aide to Gen Wilcox, promoted Captain
Charles W. Burrage - Promoted captain
J. M. Sudbery - Promoted captain

Second Lieutenants:
J. Q. Perry - Promoted first lieutenant
M. M. Lindsey - Promoted first lieutenant
Charles W. Burrage - Promoted first lieutenant
J. M. Sudbery Promoted first lieutenant
George V. Smith

Third Lieutenants:
J. Q. Perry - Promoted second lieutenant
M. M. Lindsey - Promoted second lieutenant, cited for valor Williamsburg
Charles W. Burrage - Promoted second lieutenant

Company B, Mott Guards, Lafayette County (Muster, June 12, 1861)

William G. Martin - Resigned, July 1, 1862
George D. Norris - Mortally wounded Frayser's Farm, June 30, 1862
Frank R. Gregory - Murdered, July 6, 1863
Richard Riley - Missing, Spotsylvania, May 12, 1864

First Lieutenants:
George D. Norris - Promoted captain
Frank R. Gregory - Promoted captain
Richard Riley - Promoted captain
Andrew R. Govan - Promoted adjutant
William A. Sisson

Second Lieutenants:
Martin - Resigned
Frank R. Gregory - Promoted first lieutenant
Richard Riley - Promoted first lieutenant
William H. Wilson
George D. Norris - Promoted first lieutenant
William A. Sisson - Promoted first lieutenant
John R. Sirles - Mortally wounded Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862
P. R. Walker

Third Lieutenants:
Frank R. Gregory - Promoted second lieutenant
Richard Riley - Promoted second lieutenant

Company C, Warren Rifles (Muster, June 1, 1861)

Nathaniel H. Harris - Promoted major, May 5, 1862
Thomas R. Reading - Promoted major, July 14, 1863
J. W. Smyley - Wounded Globe Tavern, August 21, 1864

First Lieutenants:
Thomas R. Reading - Aide to Gen Wilcox, promoted captain, January 1863
J. W. Smyley - Promoted captain
William Hannon - Cashiered

Second Lieutenants:
Marion B. Harris - Mortally wounded Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862
J. W. Smyley - Promoted first lieutenant
William Hannon - Promoted first lieutenant
Timothy Foley - Private, elected February 21, 1864; Wounded Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862; Captured Wilderness, May 10, 1864

Third Lieutenants:
J. W. Smyley - Promoted second lieutenant
William Hannon - Promoted second lieutenant

Company D, Thomas Hinds Guards, Jefferson County (Muster, June 12, 1861)

Chesley H. Coffey - Wounded Williamsburg, resigned, February 14, 1863
William F. Schwing - Wounded, retired
William L. Stephens - Surrendered Appomattox

First Lieutenants:
Robert Duncan - Elected May 28, 1861; Detailed recruiting service Feb 6, 1862; Accidentally shot himself, died from wound
Thomas J. Key - Resigned, July 17, 1862
T. Hinds Burch - Resigned, September 27, 1862
William F. Schwing - Promoted captain
William L. Stephens - Promoted captain
A. D. Geohegan

Second Lieutenants:
Thomas J. Key - Promoted first lieutenant
T. Hinds Burch - Promoted first lieutenant
William F. Schwing - Promoted first lieutenant
A. D. Geohegan - Promoted first lieutenant
William L. Stephens - Promoted first lieutenant

Third Lieutenants:
T. Hinds Burch - Promoted second lieutenant
William F. Schwing - Promoted second lieutenant
A. D. Geohegan - Promoted second lieutenant
William L. Stephens - Promoted second lieutenant

Company E, McClung Riflemen, Layfayette County (Muster, June 8, 1861)

J.W.C. Smith - Promoted surgeon
Lemuel R. Mullins - Died, November 10, 1862
James H. Duncan - Promoted major
Columbus F. Jones

First Lieutenants:
Lemuel R. Mullins - Promoted captain
James H. Duncan - Promoted captain
Columbus F. Jones - Promoted captain

Second Lieutenants:
James H. Duncan - Promoted first lieutenant
Columbus F. Jones - Promoted first lieutenant
George C. Isom - Died, October 10, 1861
James H. Biggers - Resigned, January 24, 1863

Third Lieutenants:
James B. Cox Columbus F. Jones - Promoted second lieutenant
James H. Biggers - Promoted second lieutenant
Charles O. Wilkins - Killed, May 27, 1864
Robert S. Green (Greer) - Missing Petersburg, August 21, 1864
Samuel D. Archer - Died, November 18, 1861

Company F, Avant Southrons, Lafayette County (Muster, June 7, 1861)

Ward G. Vaughn - Promoted major, November 24, 1862
Richard W. Phipps - Promoted major, October 8, 1863
Archealess Bowles

First Lieutenants:
Richard W. Phipps - Promoted captain, January 1863
Andrew T. Owen - Promoted captain, A.C.S.
Archealess Bowles - Promoted captain
Bird E. Hurt - Resigned, April 14, 1864

Second Lieutenants:
Andrew T. Owen - Promoted first lieutenant
Archealess Bowles - Promoted first lieutenant
James R. Burney - Resigned, November 20, 1862
Bird E. Hurt - Promoted first lieutenant
J. A. Bounds

Third Lieutenant:
J. W. Burney

Company G, Panola Invincibles (Muster, June 8, 1861)

Robert S. Abernathy - Resigned, December 3, 1862
William S. Lester - Resigned

First Lieutenant:
William S. Lester - Promoted captain

Second Lieutenant:
William S. Lester - Promoted first lieutenant
Lemuel B. Lester - Surrendered Appomattox
James K.P. Lowe - Resigned, September 1861
Thomas L. Holt - Died, July 7, 1862
Lyttle D. Kimes

Company H, Salem Cavalry (Muster, May 30, 1861)

James G. Hamer - Resigned, September 28, 1861
Larkin T. McKinzie - Resigned, May 17, 1862
James B. Wall - Resigned, February 27, 1863
John W. McKinzie
William J. Wall - Surrendered Appomattox

First Lieutenants:
Larkin T. McKinzie - Promoted captain
James B. Wall - Promoted captain
John W. McKinzie - Promoted captain
William J. Wall - Promoted captain
Elijah A. Bruton - Resigned August 22, 1862

Second Lieutenants:
Joseph E. Moody - Resigned September 28, 1861
James B. Wall - Promoted first lieutenant
John W. McKinzie - Promoted first lieutenant
William J. Wall - Promoted first lieutenant

Third Lieutenants:
James B. Wall - Promoted second lieutenant
John W. McKinzie - Promoted second lieutenant
William J. Wall - Promoted second lieutenant

Company I, Marshall Rifles, Marshall County (Muster, June 12, 1861)

Thomas J. Hardin - Promoted major, May 5, 1863
Robert A. Dean - Promoted major, May 12, 1864
David Bowen - Surrendered Appomattox

First Lieutenants:
James A. Barksdale - Resigned, Lieutenant Colonel 5th Miss Calvary, killed February 22, 1864 Okalona, Mississippi
Robert A. Dean - Promoted captain, April 16, 1863
David Bowen - Promoted captain
Ben F. McKie - Wounded Globe Tavern, August 21, 1864

Second Lieutenants:
Robert H. Peel - Promoted surgeon
Robert A. Dean - Promoted first lieutenant, October 17, 1861
David Bowen - Promoted first lieutenant
Robert T. Bowen - Resigned, March 24, 1863
Kenneth G. Martin - Resigned, July 13, 1862
James O. Tyson - Resigned, June 24, 1862
Ben F. McKie
Robert D. Wilson
B.T. Mackey - Wounded Spotsylvania, May 12, 1864

Third Lieutenants:
Kenneth G. Martin
Robert A. Dean - Promoted second lieutenant, July 17, 1861
David Bowen - Promoted second lieutenant
Robert T. Bowen - Promoted second lieutenant

Company K, Jake Thompson Guards (Muster June 12, 1861)

William H.H. Tison - Resigned; Colonel 32nd Miss Infantry
David M. Crockett - Resigned, March 28, 1863
Thomas J. Rowan - Captured Spotsylvania, May 12, 1864

First Lieutenants:
David M. Crockett -Promoted captain, April 19, 1862
Harvey E. Topp - Resigned, Major 31st Miss Infantry, killed 1863
Robert H. Allen - Feb 9, 1863 appointed AQM, 12th Mississippi Battalion
Thomas J. Rowan - Promoted captain
W. S. Agnew - Surrendered Appomattox

Second Lieutenants:
Robert H. Allen - Promoted first lieutenant
Thomas J. Rowan - Promoted first lieutenant
W. S. Agnew - Promoted first lieutenant
James M. Tynes - Wounded Globe Tavern, August 21, 1864

Third Lieutenants:
Benjamin F. Priddy - Resigned
Thomas J. Rowan - Promoted second lieutenant
W. S. Agnew - Promoted second lieutenant


June 8-11, 1861 19th Miss mustered into Confederate service; Colonel Christopher H. Mott commanding
July 12, 1861 19th Miss assigned to General Edmund K. Smith's brigade
July 22, 1861 Colonel John H. Forney assumes command of the brigade
December 3, 1861 Per President Davis, Special Order # 252 is issued which directs the establishment of all Mississippi brigades in the AVN
December 9, 1861 Confederate Secretary of War writes General Johnston concerning his failure to establish all Mississippi brigades
December 11, 1861 John B. Mullins promoted to Major; assigned 19th Miss
December 21, 1861 General Cadmus M. Wilcox assumes command of the brigade
May 5, 1862 Colonel Mott killed; Lt Col Lucius Q.C. Lamar assumes command
May 15-20, 1862 Lt Col Lamar begins sick leave and does not again return to the regiment; Major Mullins assumes command
May 20, 1862 Letter about petition regarding changes in dates of rank
May 27, 1982 Letter from Major Mullins to Major General Longstreet about 3 captains and 5 lieutenants
May 26, 1862 President Davis writes General Johnston concerning the assignment of the 19th Miss to an all Mississippi brigade
June 12, 1862 President Davis writes General Lee concerning Major Mullins and reminds him of the need to establish a second all Mississippi brigade
June 18, 1862 General Winfield S. Featherston assumes command of all Mississippi brigade which includes 12th and 19th Miss Regiments and 2nd Miss Battalion
June 27, 1862 Major Mullins severely wounded and does not again rejoin the regiment; Captain Harris assumes command
June 30, 1862 General Featherston wounded; Captain Harris wounded
July 10, 1862 Captain Harris returns to regiment
July 13, 1862 16th Miss Regiment joins Featherston's brigade; Colonel Posey commands during Featherston's absence
August 30, 1862 Captain Harris severely wounded
September 15, 1862 Captain Harris begins sick leave
October 5, 1862 Captain Harris returns to regiment
October 25, 1862 Featherston's brigade petitions Davis to go to Mississippi
October 27, 1862 General Featherston absent sick; General Lee recommends Colonel Carnot Posey for promotion to command the brigade
November 1, 1862 Posey appointed Brigadier General (Nov 1, 1862 DOR)
November 4, 1862 Major Mullins appointed Lt Col (May 5, 1862 DOR); Captain Harris appointed Major (May 5, 1862 DOR)
November 6, 1862 General Lee writes President Davis stating that now that General Featherston has returned Colonel Posey's promotion must be withheld unless he can be placed in service in Mississippi
November 24, 1862 Lt Col Lamar's resignation effective; Lt Col Mullins appointed Colonel (May 5, 1862 DOR)
November 29, 1862 Officers of the 12th and 16th Miss Regiments and the commanders of the 2nd Miss Battalion and 19th Miss Regiment (Major Harris) send a petition to President Davis urging Colonel Posey's promotion; endorsed by General Featherston
December 17, 1862 General Featherston writes War Department concerning officer manning in the19th Miss which has no Colonel or Lt Col
December 20, 1862 Major Harris appointed Lt Col (Nov 24, 1862 DOR)
January 19, 1863 Colonel Posey accepts promotion to Brigadier General and command of Mississippi brigade
March 26, 1863 Major Harris' promotion to Lt Col confirmed
April 2, 1863 Lt Col Harris appointed/confirmed Colonel (May 5, 1862 DOR)
April 22, 1863 Colonel Posey's promotion to Brigadier General confirmed
August 23, 1863 Colonel Harris begins sick leave
October 14, 1863 General Posey severely wounded
October 15, 1863 Colonel Baker commands brigade (Colonel Harris on sick leave)
October 26, 1863 Colonel Harris returns and commands brigade
November 13, 1863 General Posey dies
February 17, 1864 Colonel Harris appointed and confirmed Brigadier General (Jan 20, 1864 DOR)
March 4, 1864 Colonel Harris accepts promotion to Brigadier General and command of brigade; Thomas J. Hardin promoted to Colonel and command of 19th Miss
May 12, 1864 Colonel Hardin killed; Richard W. Phipps promoted to Colonel and command of the 19th Miss
July 10, 1864 Colonel Mullins resigns, cannot report to General Johnston because of the effects of his abdominal wound


William H. Taylor* 12th Miss Apr 28, 1862 May 16, 1861 Mar 16, 1861
Samuel E. Baker 16th Miss Dec 20, 1862 Apr 28, 1862 Apr 18, 1861
Nathaniel H. Harris 19th Miss May 5, 1862 Nov 24, 1862 May 5, 1862 Apr 15, 1861
Joseph M. Jayne 48th Miss Jan 17, 1863 May 23, 1861
* AWOL for 259 days beginning in June 1862; elected Mississippi legislature in 1863; dropped from rolls on Mar 19, 1864


July 4
July 6
July 13
July 25
July 31
August 3
August 16
August 25
August 30
September 3
September 4
September 5
September 6
September 8
October 7
October 15
November 3
November 5
November 13
November 24
November 24
November 29
November 30
December 1
December 16
December 25
December 26
December 31
16th Miss
48th Miss
48th Miss
19th Miss
12th and 48th Miss
48th Miss
19th Miss and unidentified
48th Miss
48th Miss
16th Miss
19th Miss and unidentified
19th Miss
19th Miss
19th Miss
19th Miss

This summary was compiled from Union reports contained in the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, volume 42. It is by no means a complete record of all desertions from Harris' Brigade but is presented to convey a sense of what was occurring during this period.


Brigadier General Nathaniel H. Harris
Colonel Richard W. Phipps

Sgt Major John E. Burrage
Hospital Steward W. J. NcNeill

Ordinance Sgt S. D. King
Brigade QM Andy J. Owens

Company A:
Cpl C. D. Wells
Cpl G. W. Jones
Cpl T. P. Hughes
Cpl J. A. Taylor
Pvt J. M. Burt
Pvt W. J. Bateman
Pvt S. H. East
Pvt J. T. Forestell
Pvt T. B. Gore
Pvt W. R. Gathright

Company B:
Sgt W. E. Mooney
Cpl W. C. Correthers
Cpl A. W. Arnold

Company C:
Pvt C. Leary
Pvt Daniel Lane

Company D:
2nd Lt William L. Stephens
Sgt W. H. Terry
Cpl W. S. Price
Cpl B. F. Adair
Pvt G. W. Allen

Company E:
Sgt W. S. Thurlkill
Cpl W. H. Lunday
Pvt W. Allbright
Pvt W. H. Cromwell
Pvt W. M. Furr
Pvt J. C. Furr
Pvt J. D. Johnston
Pvt J. N. Lowrey
Pvt J. M. Morgan

Company F:
Sgt J. A. Ward
Pvt S. L. Clark
Pvt J. Conkle
Pvt J. Crowe
Pvt J. W. Dunn
Pvt J. N. Hill
Pvt J. W. Hardy
Pvt A. Holland

Company G:
2nd Lt Lemuel B. Lester
Sgt M. M. Caldwell
Sgt F. S. Cooper
Cpl J. M. Lee
Pvt D. Archibald
Pvt A. N. Bishop
Pvt L. Bishop
Pvt C. A. Bryans
Pvt W. W. Dotson
Pvt J. M. Goodnight

Company H:
Capt William J. Wall
1st Sgt H. C. Fields
Pvt Charles Bagby
Pvt J. C. Hood
Pvt W. J. Hays

Company I:
Captain David Bowen
Sgt W. Haynes
Cpl C. S. Taylor
Cpl H. C. Wallace
Pvt J. T. Austin
Pvt J. M. Hawkins
Pvt J. O. McCoy
Pvt W. T. McCoy

Company K:
1st Lt W. S. Agnew
Sgt D. F. Ragan
Sgt G. C. Bruton
Cpl A. T. Holmes
Cpl J. J. Rice
Cpl J. S. Cunningham
Pvt E. E. Blythe
Pvt S. B. Barton
Pvt R. W. Bell
Pvt J. W. Gallaway
Quarter Master Sgt W. P. Meaders
Commissary Sgt H. L. Alexander

Ensign J. J. Cox

Pvt Z. W. Goodwin
Pvt W. E. Harper
Pvt T. C. Harper
Pvt John Nutt
Pvt H.S.A. Pool
Pvt E. Prince
Pvt A. Stewart
Pvt W. S. Thompson
Pvt G. L. Wiggins

Pvt H. S. Correthers
Pvt J. W. Harrison

Pvt T. Shanahan
Pvt W. L. Stevenson

Pvt J. M. Gilbert
Pvt W. S. Humphreys
Pvt A. L. Trimble
Pvt A. B. Wilkinson

Pvt E. M. Pickens
Pvt F. A. Ross
Pvt T. G. Sears
Pvt W. R. Siglar
Pvt C. W. Stearnes
Pvt J. L. Thurlkill
Pvt G. H. Williams
Pvt Thomas Nagle

Pvt J. M. Jordon
Pvt W. J. Johnston
Pvt M. C. King
Pvt J. Lawhorn
Pvt J. M. Lawrence
Pvt J. C. Pate
Pvt J. W. Vankannon

Pvt J. F. Jones
Pvt D. L. McClure
Pvt R. R. Robinson
Pvt J. D. Sloan
Pvt L. W. Stogner
Pvt J. M. Stogner
Pvt J. W. Williams
Pvt J. W. Kyle

Pvt J. F. Jones
Pvt W. Kidd
Pvt R. G. Perkins
Pvt W. V. Wynn

Pvt J. Mabary
Pvt J. N. McClusky
Pvt D. Odell
Pvt J. N. Shaw
Pvt J. A. Stewart
Pvt B. G. Wallace
Pvt T. G. Stout

Pvt J. D. Kirk
Pvt W. G. Leonard
Pvt J. M. Lytal
Pvt J. S. Pratt
Pvt W. H. Pratt
Pvt G. H. Snow
Pvt F. Y. Turner
Pvt R. M. Turner

t B. G. Wallace
Pvt T. G. Stout

Pvt J. D. Kirk
Pvt W. G. Leonard
Pvt J. M. Lytal
Pvt J. S. Pratt
Pvt W. H. Pratt
Pvt G. H. Snow
Pvt F. Y. Turner
Pvt R. M. Turner

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