Known Surviving 19th Mississippi Infantry Flags


1.  Company B, Mott Rifles flag located in the Old Capital Museum, Jackson, Mississippi


2.  Company K, Jake Thompson Guards flag located in the Old Capital Museum, Jackson, Mississippi


3.  Confederate Bible Flag of Captain William M. Harris


4.  Regimental flag shown above located in the Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond, Virginia.  Click here for its provenance.  This flag was captured in June 1862 near Willis Church, Virginia, by Colonel Francis C. Barlow, 61st New York Infantry.  The flag is 48 by 47 1/4 inches.  The elements of this hand-stitched flag are red wool field, blue wool cross, white polished cotton edging and stars, orange wool border, white canvas hoist edge, and three whipped eyelets (white/blue striped twill tape remains in bottom).  Battle honors are printed in black ink stencil on white cotton panels and sewn to both sides of the flag.  The following are the Official Records reports related to the capture of this flag.


O.R.-- SERIES I--VOLUME XI/2 [S# 13]

No. 18. -- Reports of Col. Francis C. Barlow, Sixty-first New York Infantry, of engagement at White Oak Swamp Bridge, and battles of Glendale, or Nelson's Farm (Frazier's Farm), and Malvern Hill.


Near James River, July 3, 1862.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report that on June 30, 1862, the regiment under my command marched with the other regiments of General Caldwell's brigade toward the sound of the enemy's firing at about 6 p.m. On arriving near the front we became separated from the remainder of our brigade in the confusion arising from our troops firing upon each other. I then had the honor to report to Brigadier-General Robinson, of General Kearny's brigade, for orders. By order of General Robinson my regiment was formed in line upon the border of a large field into which our troops were firing and in the rear of a fence which our men were using as a parapet. Having stopped the firing of the other regiments, General Robinson ordered my regiment to advance into the field, which we did with bayonets at a charge. By reason of the darkness and thick smoke I am unable to say whether the enemy was occupying the open field or not. I think they were, and that they fell back hastily at our approach, as I found one of their colors lying upon the ground. It bore the inscriptions "Seven Pines" and "Fair Oaks" upon it, and I have caused it to be sent to the headquarters of Sumner's corps.

As we approached the woods on the other side of the field the enemy asked from within what regiment we were. My men answering "Sixty-first New York," the enemy shouted, "Throw down your arms, or you are all dead men." We at once opened fire upon them. They were posted just in the edge of the woods. We were very close to them, and their fire was severe and fatal. I requested Lieutenant Greenhalgh, of General Berry's staff, who had advanced with us into position, to bring re-enforcements if possible, as no other regiment was in the field. He informed me upon his return that he could bring us none. Having succeeded in communicating with General Caldwell, he sent us the Eighty-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, which formed in front of as and opened fire vigorously upon the enemy. I was directed by the staff officer who brought this regiment to assume command of that part of the brigade which was in the open field. We remained in this position for a considerable time, firing vigorously. No re-enforcements came to us.

Perceiving indications that the enemy were in force on our left flank and were preparing to make a vigorous attack, I moved the regiments to the right of the field, nearer the parapet, from which position we were soon withdrawn by General Caldwell. Later in the evening, by order of General Kearny, I formed my regiment, in conjunction with the Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers and the Eighty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, both of Caldwell's brigade, inside the parapet, and there remained until withdrawn with the rest of the troops occupying the position.

On account of previous losses I had reduced my regiment to eight companies, one of which was absent on picket and not in the action.

As supports of Hazzard's battery we had been under a heavy artillery fire during the whole day and had marched directly thence to the fight, for which reason I am unable to state exactly what number of men we took into action. There were present 8 officers besides myself, 6 of whom were wounded severely and taken prisoners at the hospital to which they were removed. The horses of myself, Lieutenant Gregory, regimental adjutant, Major McKeen, Colonel Johnson, and Lieutenant Swain, of the Eighty-first Pennsylvania Regiment, were shot under us.

The number of men of my regiment in the action was not more than 225 at the very outside, of which 75 were killed and wounded. Having been engaged several times since with loss I cannot tell exactly the loss of men in this action, but suppose the proportion of our whole loss which is to be credited to this action to be as I have stated. Company H, First Regiment Berdan's Sharpshooters, Captain Hastings, which had been encamping with my regiment, was in the action with us and suffered largely, losing one of its two commissioned officers.

I am, captain, very respectfully,


Col. 61st Regt. N. Y. Vols., Caldwell's Brig., Richardson's Div.

 Capt. C. H. POTTER,

Asst. Adjt. Gen., Robinson's Brigade, Kearny's Division.



O.R.-- SERIES I--VOLUME XI/2 [S# 13]

No. 306. -- Reports of Brig. Gen. Winfield S. Featherston, C. S Army, commanding Sixth Brigade, of- the battles of Gaines' Mill and Frazier's Farm (Nelson's Farm, or Glendale).


RICHMOND, VA., July 12, 1862.

SIR: On Monday morning, June 30, General Longstreet/s division engaged the enemy to the left of the Darbytown road, some 15 miles from this place and not far from the James River. This was about 4 o'clock in the evening. The engagement soon became general from his right to his left. My brigade was held in reserve at the beginning of the fight, but about 5 o'clock in the evening was ordered to attack the enemy on the left of General Longstreet's division. As I passed up to the peace designated I found the contest was becoming very hot on the left, and I thought the enemy advancing. On reaching General Pryor's brigade, which was then on the extreme left of General Longstreet's division, I was requested by General Pryor to bring my brigade to the support of his. I immediately saw the necessity of doing so, threw my men into line of battle, and marched them in. On looking to our extreme left I saw that an attempt would be made by the enemy to flank us, probably with a very heavy force, and immediately sent back one of my aides (Lieutenant Sykes) to General Longstreet, requesting him to hurry up the re-enforcements. General Longstreet had informed me on our march to the field of action that re-enforcements would be sent forward.

My brigade was advanced to the front lines to or near a fence at the edge of the field. Here they opened a steady fire on the enemy's lines, and the enemy pouring a well-directed fire into our ranks, and seemed not to be giving way, but inclined to advance. My first determination after giving them a few fires was to order a charge, but believing the force in front to be vastly superior to ours, and seeing that a flank movement was contemplated by the enemy, I declined to do so, for the reason that it might have resulted in having my small command surrounded and cut off before the re-enforcements sent for could come up to our support. At this time I received a painful wound in the shoulder and was compelled to retire from the field. When I left the field General Gregg's brigade had reached it and was but a short distance in rear of mine, forming in line.

For what occurred subsequently I refer you to reports of regimental commanders, herewith transmitted.

For the casualties and list of those who distinguished themselves in this engagement I also refer you to lists appended hereto.

I regret to learn that in this engagement Lieut. Col. John G. Taylor, of the Second Mississippi Battalion, fell mortally wounded and died in a few hours. The loss of so gallant, skillful, and experienced an officer at such a time cannot but be seriously felt to the cause. Resigning his office in the old Army at an early period in this revolution, and quitting his native State (Kentucky) and coming here to unite his fortune with ours, the people of the Confederacy should cherish his memory and mourn his loss.

On this occasion as on the former I am greatly indebted to my staff for their valuable services. Captain Parker and Lieutenant Redding were at the right place at the right time in the execution of orders. Maj. W. R. Barksdale was also present and rendered valuable services, assisting me to bring the men into line of battle and getting them into position. Knowing the scarcity of field officers, I sent him to the left of the brigade, to remain there and aid in controlling the movements of that wing. He displayed great coolness, courage, and sagacity. Captain Winn, of General Wilcox's staff, tendered his services to me as we were going on the field as a volunteer aide, to whom I felt much indebted for his assistance and gallant bearing.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


 Brig. Gen., Comdg. Sixth Brigade, Longstreet's Division.


A. A. G., Major-General Longstreet's Division.